- Have Recreational Motorists recognised, represented and respected with all National and State/Territory Public Land Owners
- For ARMA to become a key influencer in Public Land Management decisions that may affect any Recreational Motorist’s pursuits.
- Develop strategies that will allow closed Public Lands to be reopened.
- Create a Committee, representative of each State and Territory
- Create additional Committees in each State/Territory that can better represent that State/Territory’s unique Public Land Management opportunities
- State/Territory committees to work towards generating MOUs with all respective Public Land Owners in their State/Territory
- Build meaningful relationships between the State/Territory Committees and respective Indigenous Councils/Communities
- Work with Public Land Owners to develop policies that will maintain access to public lands where the alternative would be to have them closed off.
- Portfolio Committee to be made up of:
Up to 5 other member
It would be preferable to have the committee represented by each State, therefore the Chairman will endeavour to fill the positions with members from each State/Territory.
- Portfolio Committee to compile multiple Land Management strategies to ensure public lands remain open to our members
- State/Territory Committees to consist of
At least one more member
Chairman and V-Chairman to determine how many committee members they want
- State/Territory committees to put in place MOUs with their respective Public Land Owners, to include National Parks, State Forestry (where they are a separate entity) State representation for Crown Lands and any other key Public Land Owner in their State/Territory
- State/Territory committee to designate one or two members to represent ARMA in dealings with Indigenous Councils, Groups and Communities, as well as their State/Territory department for Indigenous Affairs
- Portfolio Committee established by 31 Dec 2020
- Individual State/Territory Committees established by 30 June 2021
- Have MOUs in place with each State/Territory Parks and Wildlife by 31 Dec 2021
- Have established relationships with at least one Aboriginal Council per state/Territory by 31 Dec 2021