It was only a few months ago, when Australian Recreational Motorists Association was pleased to announce, we had secured majority political party pre-election commitments going into the Queensland election, in order to address long outstanding issues with vehicle modification legislation.
ARMA are further pleased to advise a motion was raised and passed today in Queensland Parliament, in order to commence: Inquiry into Vehicle Safety, Standards and Technology, including Engine Immobiliser Technology
There are many aims of the public parliamentary inquiry, however it will have significant focus on improving options for vehicle modifications standards in Queensland, and look at alignment of legislation between jurisdictions were possible.
The details of the parliamentary inquiry have already been added to the parliamentary website, under the Transport and Resources Committee:
In the next few days, the committee website will request public input / written submissions towards the inquiry, and there should also be opportunity for public consultations / interviews, directly with the committee panel members.
Can you all please forward this correspondence out to your clubs, members, and aftermarket suppliers, we want to ensure the motoring community is prepared well in advance, and have very opportunity to provide solid responses to this inquiry.
As information is released via the Transport and Resources Committee inquiry site, we will provide additional updates, and coordinate meetings / briefings between motoring community reps, aftermarket reps, and members of parliament were possible.
REMEMBER: The anti-hooning parliamentary inquiry in 2012 only allowed QPS to provide public briefings to the legal committee, we will do everything we can to ensure the motoring community is appropriately prepared and represented for this inquiry, and that we help address the needs of all stakeholders in Queensland, and those of other states / territories.