Please take a moment to sign this petition, ( especially if you are in NSW), this is a fantastic effort from MCCNSW.

Motorcycle Council of NSW Inc-MCCNSW-#lookoutformotorcycles

Fellow riders, our Trail and Adventure Riding sub-Committee is running a Parliamentary ePetition to save Trail & Adventure motorcycling in NSW:…/epetition-details…
They need your support. To sign, you just need to be a NSW resident and have a unique email address.
Trail and Adventure riders are losing access to areas to ride and we need to demonstrate that at least 20,000 residents of NSW are concerned about this. With 20,000 signatures the ePetition will trigger a debate in Parliament.
While you may not be a trail or adventure rider yourself, you can still show your support for your fellow riders who do.
We also request that you ask family, friends, neighbours and work colleagues to sign. They don’t have to be riders — they just need to be concerned that trail and adventure riders can continue to enjoy their chosen recreational activity.