Association Affiliation Committee
Is the Formal relationships established between otherwise independent associations / organizations. These include affiliation agreements, interlocking boards, etc.
- The Association Affiliation Committee was established to build formal relationships between otherwise independent associations / organizations. These include affiliation agreements, interlocking boards, etc.
- In these Terms of Reference-
Committee means the separate sub-committee or portfolio established by these Terms of Reference.
Department means the relevant department of government being in any state of the country of federally
Member means a member of the Sub-Committee or portfolio and includes a reference to the Chairperson unless the contrary intention is expressed.
- The Committee of ARMA resolved to establish this Committee at the meeting held on Tuesday ??? and is effective from the date of these Terms of Reference.
- The functions of the Committee are –
(a) To build formal relationships with other associations/ corporations for the benefit of ARMA and its members;
(b) On request, to provide advice to the Committee of ARMA for the time the Committee is in existence;
(c) Specific requirements of the Committee are contained in Schedule A
- The Committee is subject to the general direction of the President of the ARMA Committee in the performance of its functions.
- The Committee must report on what has been achieved by the Committee against its key functions and outline the key challenges and opportunities in the next four months to the Committee at least at every second committee meeting from the date of its establishment.
- Each member of the Committee is required to comply with these Terms of Reference. A member’s ongoing participation in the Committee is their implied acceptance of these Terms of Reference.
- Each member of the Committee must at all times act :
- a) in accordance with the Code of Ethics and other policies as determined from time to time by ARMA Acceptance of these policies and procedures will be by way of a signed acknowledgment retained by the Public Officer. Page 1 of 5
- The Committee operates from its establishment immediately following the meeting agreeing its establishment until the committee of ARMA agree that the Committee is no longer required.
- The Committee consists of not less than 3 members, being:
- a) one current ARMA Committee member nominated at a normal Committee meeting of the
ARMA Committee
- b) two other persons who represent ARMA Group members
- Committee members may delegate attendance should they be unavailable to attend.
- The Committee must elect one of the Members to be the Chairperson. The first chair shall be a current Committee member of ARMA.
- Committee members may be eligible for remuneration or reimbursement of travel and personal expenses if formally approved by the ARMA committee;
- The office of a member becomes vacant if:
- a member resigns in writing addressed to the President of ARMA;
- a member is removed from office at the direction of the Committee of ARMA;
- a member dies or in the opinion of the President, becomes incapable of performing
his/her duties;
- Upon a vacancy occurring in the office of a member, the vacancy may be filled by the Committee of ARMA in accordance with these Terms of Reference.
- Meetings of the Committee may be conducted in a manner determined by the Chairperson subject to these Terms of Reference.
- The quorum for a meeting consists of a majority of the members presently appointed to the Committee.
- The Committee will aim for consensus in its decision making. In the absence of agreement, the decision will be made by a majority of the members present at that meeting. In the event of a deadlock, the Chairperson has a casting vote.
- If the Chairperson is absent, or the office of Chairperson is vacant, the members present at a meeting may elect from the members present a member to preside at that meeting.
- The Chairperson, or presiding member, must ensure, as far as practicable, that every member has adequate opportunity to participate in discussions.
- At the commencement of each meeting, the Chairperson must enquire of all members whether there is any potential for a conflict of interest to arise in respect to any item on the meeting agenda or any matter to be discussed and an interest held by a member
- The Chairperson must ensure that minutes of each meeting are kept; and circulate the minutes for comment by members before being formally adopted at the next meeting.
- The Committee must ensure that processes are in place to deal with conflicts of interests that—
- apply to both financial and non-financial interests; and
- require full disclosure of interests at meetings of the Committee and the recording of the disclosure in the minutes of the meeting.
- The Committee must have regard to the Conflicts of Interest and Duty: A Practical Guide for
Directors of Public Entities issued by the Victorian Public Sector Commission (attached) in its deliberations, proceedings or meetings.
- A member who has a direct pecuniary or private interest in a matter being discussed at a meeting of the Committee must declare the nature of the interest and the potential for there to be a conflict:
- at the commencement of a meeting; or
- if they become aware of an interest during discussions, as soon as possible after becoming aware of the interest.
- A member who has made a declaration of a potential conflict of interest may not be present or take part in any discussion of the matter to which the declaration relates unless the
Committee agrees otherwise.
- A member who has made a declaration of a potential conflict of interest must not vote on the matter to which the declaration relates.
- The Chairperson or member presiding at a meeting at which a declaration of an interest is made must cause the declaration to be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
- The Chairperson must keep a record of declared interests. Any member may request and be granted access to this Register of Interests.
- Committee members are not permitted to receive gifts, benefits or hospitality from external sources as a result of or in relation to their role on the Committee.
- If two or more Committee members have difficulty working together and this unduly affects the functioning of the Committee, the matter must be resolved as soon as possible in the public interest. If a dispute arises, the Chair will actively guide an informal resolution process. If the Chair is involved in the dispute, the Secretariat will guide the process.
- If a dispute cannot be resolved informally, the Chair or Secretary will place the matter on the agenda of the next Committee meeting. If satisfied that a dispute is unresolved despite proper and sufficient efforts by the parties, the Committee will invoke a formal dispute resolution process through the appointment of a mediator
- Meetings of the Committee may be attended by observers and advisors upon invitation of the Chairperson.
- Such observers and advisors may, at the invitation of the Chairperson or presiding member, participate in discussions in a meeting of the Committee but are not entitled to vote in its deliberations and may be required to step out of discussions on request of the Chairperson.
- Any documents provided to observers or advisors at a Committee meeting must be returned to the Chairperson or Secretary at the end of that meeting.
- The Committee must ensure that any observers or advisors invited to attend a Committee meeting are bound by appropriate confidentiality obligations in relation to information provided to them at or for the purposes of a Committee meeting.
- The expected minimum time commitment is one meeting every second month.
- Members are expected to attend at least 80% of the scheduled meetings.
- The rights to Intellectual property created by the members of the Committee in the course of their duties on the committee, including any reports required under these Terms of Reference, is the property of Australian Recreational Motorists Association.
- The President of ARMA may amend these Terms of Reference in writing at any time with a copy to be provided to the Chair.
- The President may revoke these Terms of Reference in writing at any time and upon revocation of these Terms of Reference the Committee ceases to exist
Schedule A
The roles and responsibilities of the Committee shall be:
- a) Build strong relationships with other associations / organisations with the view to formalising an agreement between the parties.
- b) Where relevant create mutually beneficial initiatives between the parties that are in accordance with the ARMA “Strategic Plan”and consistent with the objectives of ARMA
- c) Be involved in any discussions being held (where practicable) between ARMA Committee
members and any associations or group of any government body.
- d) Consult and Liaise with the ARMA committee to ensure that any messages being distributed are consistent across the organisation.